Thursday, July 21, 2011

Toms River ACBS Wooden Boat Festival July16, 2011

So like not only did I win once by getting a prize for my surfboards, but I win twice because I found out how to post more than one picture on here (took me long enough)! I was completely surprised at getting an Honorable Mention for the surfboards, my Pop didn't have the camera ready so no pics of me actually being handed the plaque. Either way, WIN!

The stand sans Nulls. My dad was off on walkabout and I just took an early morning pic of where we were located which was kind of off the beaten path, but we had a good bit of shade and were more than happy with the hundreds of people that we talked to!!

We got there around 8AM and the family boat building class was already in full swing. A well known local fella Timo was running this one and I had the chance to talk with some of the students and they were really enjoying themselves and all looking forward to getting their little rowboats in the water next week! It is a 7 or 8 hour class on building then they just paint the boats at a later date and voila! Timo, I apologize for not remembering your last name, it's only the tenth time I have met you!

George Kerr from Sedge Island Skiffs and his beautiful Melonseed duck hunting sailboat with his own retractable dagger board design! George is a great guy and his boat is awesome you should look him up! He also does repairs and restorations. He is in Toms River #732-618-4014

He is also a fellow homebrewer and I hope to get together to taste some of his grog!

Liberte' !!!

My favorite ship! This motorsailer is my dream boat!!!!

Check me out all smiling and such. even better check out the rocker difference of my two boards!

All in all, this turned out to be a very nice surprise and my dad and I are soooo glad that we took the time to come to this show! The amount of boats there was less than last year and they really need your support to keep the show alive so please, if you are a wooden boat owner, take your baby down to Toms River next year! I will! I might actually have 4 entries for next year if we finish restoring the Peterborough racing canoe in time! See you there!

Mystic's Boat Show, part two, part two. LOL

The last pic from the show that I have. I wanted to note the beautiful woodwork around the cabin. There was talent in steaming that wood and not having the knots pop on them! Gorgeous! I'm not sure of the process of doing that, but I can guarantee that it wasn't easy! NICE!

Mystic's Boat Show, part two

Only one thing stinks about being in the show as opposed to going to the show is that you don't get enough time to walk around and enjoy the entire show!

I did get to leave the stand and walk around a bit with my father, but not as much as I wanted. Nor did we get a chance to hop a ride on this steamship! We also wanted to go to the sub museum, take a sailing trip and eat more ice cream, but we did manage to take in a few of the sites as well as have an adventure in weather on the way there! We met a ton of cool people, it was a great time!

Here is Phoebe, one of my favorites at the show, perfect size!

I don't know the name of this beauty, but she was worthy of a photo for sure!!!!

A beautiful ketch rigged boat out enjoying the incredible weather, not much wind, but enough.

Does anyone know what this hull is designed for? Just curious.

Well, only 5 photos can be posted at a time for me. I have to look into a photo expansion program that allows me to load 6 into each of the 5 slots allowed. Not sure how to go about that.

Hey, I've taken another interlude and I'm going to plug Thomas Armstrong's above blog for his excellent photography skills and commentary on the events of Mystic Seaport's Woodenboat Festival! Here are the two pics that he took of my boards.

This first one is the fin done by Greenlight Surf Supply's Brian Gagliana. Excellent work Bri! It's made of renewable bamboo! Brian's wife has a clothing line which is based solely on bamboo fabrics. I believe it is called Barefoot.

Please pay no attention to that beautiful Adirondack Guide boat behind my two lovely surfboards! LOL That fella built a guide boat that I swear could fetch a million dollars! It is absolutely perfect in every way! So make sure you check out Tom's blog for all the greatest pics from the Mystic boat show and whatnot. Come to my blog for the details on all the best parties in Mystic. LOL