Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Year of Craft Beer, Vol. 100, Yards Brawler

This is a beer that I am so happy that I chose to drink tonight, the first night of Yards Week as it is considered and English Dark Mild Ale which to me is comfort food!  Typically, this beer is very English in style but a bit lighter on the alcohol front, a little toastier on the malt front, a little less hoppy and more malty with a thin head.  I have to tell you that I am 3 sips in and before I analyze it thoroughly I am going to say that this is approaching world class and I absolutely love it!
Thank you Yards for using crimp top bottles!  Totally homebrew friendly!

I poured this beer cool from the bottle and it poured a very dark and clear amber/mahogany with a one finger tan head that stays as a ring around the glass and leaves nice light lacing, but not much.

There are aromas of roasted grains, dark sweet malts and bread.  mmmmm Bread!  only very light though.  I don't get much in the way of fruity esters perhaps a tiny bit.

The taste is straightforward and roasted malts with some caramel sweetness with a dry and very mild hoppiness at the end.  It's almost balanced but more sweet than hoppy.  Nothing about the flavour is over the top as the beer is a bit thin which keeps it all in line.

Mouthfeel is of a sweet nature with the body kind of lighter than you would expect with a beer of this colour.  It more has the body of a lager.  The carbonation can feel flat, and perhaps that is why I feel the body is thin.  The carbonation seems more apparent at the finish.  It's different!

Overall I find this beer incredibly good especially for a session beer that you could drink all night as it has the roasted notes and caramel that I love in a British beer and is yet not overly sweet.  The body is a bit lacking but that is why it is sessionable and fits with the style so I am going to have to give this beer at least a 4 out of 5.

If you drink butweezer, put that urine down and try one of these.  I would be a great beer to help ease yourself off of your addiction to garbage!


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