Friday, June 14, 2013

A Year of Craft Beer, Vol. 133, Full Pint Hobnobber Session IPA

Good Evening,  Happy Friday!

I apologize once again for missing another post!  Last night I went to review a really nice pub with some craft beers on tap for Out On the Town Magazine.  My friend Donny Smith and I have an article called Ale on the Town and we try and review places in Northeast Philly that are starting on the craft brew scene as there aren't many places in this area.  I will later include the link to the articles that we write as would seem only the smart thing to do!

Locally, it seems that most of Philly is still recovering from Beer Week as it takes a lot out of the publicans and brewers so I would like to say thanks to all of those involved for showing us a great time and invite them to my little party next weekend.

Tonight's beer!  Hobnobber Session IPA.  It seems that a new name has arisen for a light hoppy beer!  This beer is actually considered an APA or American Pale Ale which has been derived from the original IPA taken to India via ship during the early 1800's and had to be hopped extra to preserve the beer for the long trip.  American's have to have everything big.  I call it "Texas Envy" so they hop it more and use local ingredients.  This beer has less alcohol, 3%ABV, and is therefore considered sessionable, or capable of being imbibed in higher quantity, ie. good for summer BBQ's!

Hazy gold in colour with a thin white head and cool dragon tooth lacing this beer smells faintly of grapefruit, earthy hops and pale malt.  Of course, I poured it a bit too cold and I am sure more aromas will come out but for now it smells like an APA.  What I first noticed about it when I took the first sip was it was very light in body (thin) and fairly hoppy.  The earthy flavoured hops are pretty forward in the sip with mild pale malt sweetness underneath.  The beer finishes fairly dry with some peppery notes and leaves a thin coat on the tongue.  I would say that this beer is excellent for parties or outdoor events with food to those who enjoy a little hop bitterness and don't want to get wicked drunk.  At 3% ABV you could enjoy more than just one or two.  This being a bit hoppy would also pair well with food and in that respect I highly recommend it!  In comparing with most APA's it falls a little short in the body department and I am going to have to score it a bit lower than my enjoyment level.  3.5 out of 5.

Hey, it's summer (almost) and this is the time to put down that crappy macro pee water from Bodweazle and Milfnair and get some real beer!  


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