Tonight I am doing a Kolsch from Full Pint and I believe that it is a pretty good representation of what little I know of the style. This may only be my second Kolsch that I have reviewed so bear with me! Kolsch is obviously German from Koln. It's really light in colour, hop assertive, a bit malty with a dry finish.
The beer poured crystal clear and straw coloured from the bottle and had very little head but stayed as a ring throughout the drink. Lacing was minimal. Beautiful looking!
The aroma is definitely of sweet pale malts, some biscuity yeast and an almost imperceptible, unless you agitate the beer well, grassy hop nose.
There is a pretty good balance between the pale malt sweetness and the earthy hop bitterness which comes alive half-way through the sip. The finish is dry and slightly peppery. Some light biscuity yeast is present through the sip as well. Another reviewer mentioned cardboard, I'm not really getting that, but I may be confusing it with the earthy hops at the finish. I'm not overly familiar with this style it being maybe my 5th or 6th kolsch ever, but I think it's pretty dang good!
The mouthfeel is light to medium bodied, a bit more than I have had, slightly slick on the tongue and dry. Carbonation in this beer is medium and quite nice.
Overall, I would have to say that this fits the descriptions of a kolsch that I have read and there is really nothing that offends me or seems like an off-flavour. I really like this beer and this style and recommend trying it to anyone. Especially if you can get it on tap in the summer!
Hey, this might not be the perfect cross-over beer for you, but you never know until you try it! Good luck!
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