That's right folks it's that time of the year again! To many it means the stresses of having family over and having to cook a huge meal, yadda me it means one of the best times to catch fish! So in the age old honored tradition that my brother and I have, we are going to go fishing. Holiday trips either fishing or surfing usually produce good results! Back in the day it seemed that the surf was usually good in some form or fashion, but surfing has taken a back burner recently for a number of reasons, one being that I am fat. But fishing has been known to produce as well and is kinda fun. Not like surfing, but it is a great nature vibe. Besides, fall stripers are back in town and now it's the big males that we are (hopefully) catching. Day after Thanksgiving we might go out on a head boat at Island Beach State Park which in the last week has been slaying the huge blues and the stripers are starting to trickle in. And then after all that, I have a date! Yeah check that out! A young lass and I are going to take a tour of the city via horse and buggy. Should be a lot of fun as I haven't done that before and she is good company.
The only glitch is that I am supposed to cook on turkey day. Yeah, uhmmmmm, so what I did was order the complete meal from Whole roam turkey and organic side dishes.... and will hopefully be back in time to throw that prepped turkey in the cooker. This is where I praise cell phones (which is not a common thing for me) because I have a feeling my dad is going to get a call from the boat asking him to toss in the turkey as I promise to be back in time to cook the rest of the fixins. yeyah! plan of action!
For several years, eahc Christmas day greeted me with wark waters, strong North Swells, and empty line-ups.
Santa....rode a twinnie. typing sukcs.
I figured the important word was "warm"
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