Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Year of Craft Beer, Vol. 103, Yards Saison

Hi Everyone!  Do you like Saison's?  They are a Belgian style so they use that familiar Belgian yeast with light malts and come off as semi-dry with a mix of fruits and perhaps a little tart.  They were brewed to be enjoyed during the summer and really are quite good for working on the farm in warm weather.  Albeit they may be a little dry, but they are quite refreshing.
Points given for the reusable bottle!

I poured this beer at about 60 degrees F and it is fine at that temperature.  It poured a nice even and clear gold colour with a bright yellow/white two finger head of tiny bubbles that last as a full cap the entire drink leaving that Hopi Indian village in a cliff face kind of look behind on the glass.  I dig it!

At this temperature the fruity yeast is most forward followed by an even mix of light malt sweetness, citrus and mild earthy hops as well as spices.  Very nice!

The taste is barely dominated by any one thing in particular but more of a swirl of pale malt sweetness, fruits by the bushel of citrus, banana, and mildly tart apple, coriander like spices, mild hops and some pepper.  If any one thing is more forward than the others is the pale malt.  This is all very well balanced and comes off as mildly dry.  

The mouthfeel is creamy and moderately full with mid-range carbonation.  I don't think this beer could be crafted better.  Everything is in sync. 

Overall, I would recommend this beer to anyone as it would be a perfect crossover beer from the usual swill as well as a great recommendation to the beer connoisseur.  If there was something that I could find wrong with this beer is that I only have one!  5 out of 5!!!!!!

Get up from your chair, but first put down that swill.  No!  In fact, take that swill with you and dump it down the sink or cook bratwurst in it because you are going to want to go out and get this beer for summer!  That is it!  Use that pee water that you have left to cook bratwurst in while you enjoy the real thing.  I can't think of a better way to get rid of that crap.  I mean, you can't really pour beer down the drain.  That is illegal in most countries and punishable by flogging around the fleet in the English Navy!


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