Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Year of Craft Beer, Vol. 52, Yards Ales of the Revolution, Poor Richard's Tavern Spruce

Alright!  52!  One of my jersey numbers from my youth!  It's good to link up my past in Philly with this excellent brew from Philly!

Look at that color!

This beer is in the category Herbed/Spiced Ale and it is a pretty broad category including pumpkin beers and the like.  This recipe comes to us courtesy of Benjamin Franklin actually as it is one of his originals.  Yards brewery has 4 beers in their Ales of the Revolution collection I believe and this is one of them.  I suggest trying them all, they are really interesting.

This beer pours a deep amber to mahogany red colour with a thin rosy/tan head that fades to a tiny ring around the glass and leaves some nice mobile lacing on the glass.  Very clear and attractive.

I poured this from a bottle at 50 degrees into a tulip glass and was immediately hit with molasses and malt sweetness.  There is some slight aromatics of evergreen in there, spruce to be exact, but I couldn't really decipher it to tell the truth.  I also read from another review about a tea aroma, I get that a little as well.

Throughout the sip is the base of caramel malt sweetness.  I think it starts off that way and then mid way through a tea-like herbal taste sets in and smooths out some of the carbonation and then leads finish that is maybe a little bready, peppery and slightly hoppy.  It's balanced a little better than you would believe by the aroma.

I think the mouthfeel is a little lighter than medium.  Almost slightly watery, yet sweet.  The carbonation starts off just above moderate and fades nicely ending well balanced and slightly dry.

Overall I think this is an excellent beer and only a tiny bit watery (like tea).  It's hard to judge a beer of this category and that is the only thing that I think is wrong with the beer, if it is wrong at all.

I give this beer a high 8 out of 10 and hope that you get to try this one and judge for yourself because life is too short to drink crappy beer!


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